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Paediatric Palliative Care Conference Australia 2022
Australian Paediatric Palliative Care Conference

Not A Child, Not An Adult : How to Foster Development in Adolescents with Cancer?


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Abstract Description

Institution: King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Center - Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Background. Adolescence is a unique period where maturation occurs on many levels : physical, cognitive, emotional, and spiritual. It is a time when one develops its own individuality, identity and capacity to take decisions. It is a time where one experiences an increased need to identify with peers, establish social networks, and strive towards unique life aspirations. When successful in these normal developmental tasks, the individual will transition into adulthood with a positive image and self-esteem, as well as establish emotional independence and identity. A cancer diagnosis can have devastating effects on the adolescent’s development. He/she can find him/herself confronted to additional challenges, such as internal conflicts regarding a desire to be independent versus a need for structure and guidance from parents in this stressful time, changes in his/her physical appearance secondary to the disease and its treatments, worrisome fertility and reproduction issues, painful isolation from peers, and living with the “stigma” of cancer.  Some of these cancer-related realities can have long-lasting effects. These facts highlight the need to provide this age group with specific care that is responsive to their unique needs. Aim. One of the important goals of palliative care is to foster a sense of “normalcy” and quality of life in the adolescent despite the presence of a serious illness. This workshop will aim at providing insight on how a cancer diagnosis can hinder physical, emotional, social, and existential development, as well as providing guidance on how to mitigate the cancer or treatments deleterious effects on normal development and promote a good quality of life. Method. The content will be delivered in an interactive way using case vignettes and reflexive questions to engage the audience. 




Kim Sadler - Not Applicable , Hamad Alyami - Not Applicable