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Paediatric Palliative Care Conference Australia 2022
Australian Paediatric Palliative Care Conference
PCA has shaped this conference around offering delegates a rich and memorable virtual conference experience.

We acknowledge the content and discussions throughout this conference may be confronting, especially on top of your day-to-day experiences at work and home.

We encourage you to look after yourself and practice good self-care, take a break, check into the wellness hub, move your body, or do whatever you need to feel better.

Don’t forget we have a dedicated self-care session which will be recorded and available for your reference post-conference.

If you are feeling upset or uncomfortable at any time throughout the Paediatric Palliative Care Conference and need support, please follow up with your support networks.

There are also a number of services and organisations to help and support you if required, including:

If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, call triple zero (000).
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